TC200 TrueConect Cat5, Cat6 Cable Jacket Stripper/Wire Stripper

TC200 TrueConect Cat5, Cat6 Cable Jacket Stripper/Wire Stripper

PTK50 Telecom Installer Tool Kit

PTK50 Telecom Installer Tool Kit

PTK40 Cable Splicer Tool Kit

The Specialized Products PTK40Cable Splicer Kit features high-quality essential splicer's tools for everyday installation needs: JACKTEST+ RJ45/RJ11 tester, knife and scissors. The splicer's knife has a forged steel coping-type blade and comfortable cushioned handle. The hot-forged steel scissors cut up to 16-AWG solid wire and 12-AWG stranded wire faster, cleaner and safer. Scissor blades have a file and scraper on both sides for cleaning wire and are serrated for non-slip cutting. One blade is notched for non-slip stripping of 19-AWG and 23-AWG wire. 

All tools come in a black ballistic nylon pouch with a sturdy belt clip that fastens over and securely curves under a belt. This .75-pound kit measures 7.5" x 3.34". The pouch has a one-year warranty.

PTK40 Tool Kit List
Description Stock Number
Black Kevlistic Tool Pouch 040X830
Electrician's Scissors 054x200
Cable Splicer's Knife 054x462
Single Ended RJ45 / RJ11 Tester 686X312

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