Fluke Networks MFTK-MM850-SM1310 MultiFiber Pro MPO Test Kit
The Fluke Networks MFTK-MM850-SM1310 MultiFiber™ Pro Fiber Test Kit supports both multimode and single mode MPO fiber trunks and provides automatic scanning and testing of up to 12 fibers in MPO connectors. Loss or power measurements are complete by the Fluke power meter within 6 seconds without fan-out cords. The wavelengths of the fiber optic LED and laser light sources are 850 nm and 1310 nm. The correct connectivity of MPO fiber trunks is ensured with built-in polarity verification. The optical connectors are compatible with 50µm, 62.5µm and 9µm optical fibers. Up to 3,000 test results can be stored internally and uploaded to a PC using the LinkWare™ Cable Test Management Software.
The Fluke Networks MFTK-MM850-SM1310 MPO Test Kit includes the MultiFiber Pro power meter, encircled flux 850 nm light source, 1310 nm light source, test reference cords, MPO adapters and carrying case.
The Fluke Networks MFTK-MM850-SM1310 MultiFiber™ Pro MPO Fiber Optic Test Kit is designed to simplify multimode and single mode MPO fiber trunks testing by providing automatic scanning of up to 12 fibers in MPO connectors. The Fluke power meter, with auto wavelength and polarity detection (A, B, C and Universal), completes optical loss or power measurements in 6 seconds without the need for fan-out cords. The 850 nm LED light source or 1310 nm laser light source can identify each fiber within the MPO connector. The optical connectors, with MTP/MPO interface for 12-fiber, unpinned plugs, are compatible with 50µm, 62.5µm and 9µm optical fibers. They have self-closing, protective covers. The operating temperature for testing is -10°C to +50°C.
When testing 12 fibers, an easy-to-read bar graph presents polarity, power and loss results for all fibers simultaneously. Up to 3,000 test results (one fiber per record) can be stored internally and uploaded to a PC using the LinkWare™ Cable Test Management Software for editing and generating reports.