Tempo SM DUAL KIT OPM510 & SLS520 Single Mode Telco Dual Kit

Tempo SM DUAL KIT OPM510 & SLS520 Single Mode Telco Dual Kit

Jonard FPL-5050 Power Meter & Light Source Kit, SM -50 to +26dBm

Jonard Tools FPL-5050 Power Meter & Light Source Kit, SM -50 to +26dBm

Tempo SM DUAL KIT HP OPM520 & SLS520 SM MSO Dual Kit, High Power

The Tempo Communications SM DUAL KIT HP offers a high-power optical power meter OPM520 (-50 to +27dBm) and a dual laser source SLS520 (1310/1550nm). It is used for MSO applications. These testers quickly and accurately measure the insertion loss of a fiber link, trace and identify fiber cables using the tone detect function. The OPM with the InGaAs detector and stabilized light source are 270, 1kHz and 2kHz tone compatible. Absolute power measurements can be made in dBm, Watts and micro Watts. The zeroing procedure will zero out any ambient light present and ensure precise measurements. The filtered OPM520 has an attenuator that will prevent damage to the detector diode when a high-power signal is applied.

The ruggedized single mode MSO dual kit is IP54 compliant. It comes in a carry case. Standard SC adapters included. Optional OPM adapters (LC, ST and FC), as well as SLS adapters (LC, ST and FC) are available, sold separately.