Jonard PSI-15 Protection Sleeve Insertion Tool
The Jonard Tools® PSI-15 Protection Sleeve Insertion Tool features a conical fiber feed surface that quickly aligns and easily guides fiber directly to protection sleeve. When one sleeve is loaded and removed, another automatically falls into place, ready to be loaded. The fiber automatically finds its way into the first available sleeve. It makes the splicing and installation process more efficient and less time consuming. The tool holds up to 15 protection sleeves, each ranging from 1.57" to 2.36" (40 mm to 60 mm) long. The sleeve must be installed on the fiber before the fusion splice is performed. After the splice is complete, slide the sleeve over it to cover the joint and exposed fiber.
The lightweight PSI-15 quick sleever tool is 2.6" long. It comes with rubber feet that keep the tool in place to prevent slipping.
The lightweight PSI-15 quick sleever tool is 2.6" long. It comes with rubber feet that keep the tool in place to prevent slipping.